About us
Membership is open to all Clergy Persons, Chaplains, and other who have professional spiritual or pastoral oversight of faith groups in the St. Charles City community. Members in good standing have paid annual dues, attend a minimum
of one meeting per quarter, and at least one program outside regular meetings.
The officer listed below shall hold the office for two years. In no case shall an officer of this Alliance be elected to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Officers must be able and willing to attend a minimum of 6 meetings per year. The Officers of the Alliance shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chaplain.
The duties of the PRESIDENT shall be to:
• Preside at all meetings of the Alliance
• Prepare the agenda for the meeting
• Work with Executive Committee to appoint all committee chairs created by action of the Alliance
• Represent the Alliance before the general public
The duties of the VICE-PRESIDENT shall be to:
• Assist the President
• Preside at the meetings in the absence of the President
• Other duties as requested
• Serve as chair for Alliance sponsored programs
The duties of the SECRETARY shall be:
• Serve as the recording Officer of the Alliance and Custodian of the Records
• Record minutes of General and Executive meetings. Minutes should be forwarded to President within one week of the meeting and provided for members of the Alliance by email or mail before the following meeting.
• Compose a listing of the membership and call the roll when required
• Notify members of all regular meetings and any special meetings or programs as designated by the President.
The duties of the TREASURER shall be to:
• Hold all monies of the Alliance and to disburse them upon order of the Alliance.
• Make a report of monies raised and disbursed at each regular meeting of the Alliance
• Serve as the Registered Agent for the Alliance and file annual incorporation papers with State of Missouri/IRS
The duties of the CHAPLAIN shall be to:
• Coordinate the devotions at each meeting of the Alliance
• Send condolences, congratulations, sympathy, and get well cards to
members as needed.